Porto Street Photography – Shooting Street to improve your wedding photography
My Porto Street Photography adventure all came about thanks to being invited to the 2016 Fearless Conference in Portugal. While my main goal was the conference, I managed to book in an extra day to explore the city. Being my first time in Portugal I was pumped. Porto (yes this is where port comes from) is Portugal’s second largest city after Lisbon, located in the north by the coast. Getting lost in the endless alleys and side streets was a treat. Whenever you fancied a break you could stop at one of the many cafes littered around the city for a fresh seafood dish (4 Euros), local wine (2 Euros) or a tiny coffee (1 Euro).
I was extremely lucky to have an absolutely beautiful day to explore the city (a welcomed break from the London doom and gloom). This gave me some great beams of client and dark blue skies to play with. Below are some of my favourite photos from my Porto Street Photography adventure. All of them were shot on my latest toy – the Fuji X100s. I hope you enjoy!
Btw if you’ve ever been told that Portuguese is similar to Spanish, don’t believe it. There may be a few overlapping words but for the most part it’s a completely different language. I realised this on my first morning when I learnt how useless my limited Spanish was. This led to a crash course with Google Translate (did you know it can now change text viewed through the camera from one language to another? Super helpful for menus).
Street Photography is an area of the photography that I’m finding more and more fascinating. Especially as a tool for improving my wedding photography. Adam Riley has written a great post on this topic, that’s definitely worth checking out. So if you have any tips when approaching street photography or feedback on the below, please feel free to share them in the comments section.
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[easyazon_link identifier=”B01N33CT3Z” locale=”US” tag=”mhmedia07-20″]Fuji X100F[/easyazon_link]

“I’m London Wedding Photographer with an informal relaxed documentary style. The focus of my work is on capturing natural moments between people filled with energy and emotion. I get to work with awesome couples within London and the UK and across the world. Having grown up overseas I developed a love for travel and exploring different countries and cultures at a young age. During these overseas adventures I’ve found a great friend in Fuji’s x series. First with the X100s and now with the X-T2. Before setting up my photography business I spent a couple of years working with a Management Consultancy Company in London. This taught be a lot of useful business skills which I’ve been able to apply to my own business and which has helped me to book my ideal clients. It’s also led me to offering workshops and mentoring to other photographers.”