Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic, by Tana Gandhi
When I first heard about the Instax Mini 90, I immediately shared the link with all my photo buddies. One of my friends, Jolie, mentioned that she would be in Japan at the exact time that the camera came out!! (it would take a few months for it to come out in the U.S). A huge thanks to Jolie for picking this up on your trip to Japan earlier this year!
A few features that are new and exciting about this camera:
First// The Macro feature allows you to get close-up detail shots of say something like these flowers below. You can get crisp shots straight from the setting. Previously, you’d have to use this small attachment thing that was easy to lose and it was all sorts of unpredictable. Not so much anymore! This feature is great for stills and will definitely be using this the most.
Second// The double exposure feature allows you to layer two images on top of each other to get an effect like this. *Tip: If you want to take photos like this, (First) shoot the silhouette you want against something that’s back-lit like a clear sky and (Second) take a photo of whatever pattern you want to fill within the silhouette.* Also do you see that black dot in the third photo? It’s the sun! So don’t shoot with the sun in background. 🙂
Third// Manual settings give more flexibility for exposure. You have control over taking lighter or darker photos and if you want the flash off or not. Previously you could only do the former and the flash was just hit or miss. As you can see with the beach pictures, I overexposed on one of them, then I did a normal photo and then I did a dark photo.
Anyone else use Instax cameras? Isn’t it so much fun? Have any questions? Hope you have a great week ahead!
More instax shots here. Follow me on Instagram to see more instax adventures.

Tana Gandhi is a commercial and still life photographer based in Los Angeles.
Brands seek her out for a specific style of clean, unembellished imagery that highlights strong visual themes and elevated messaging. She continues to collaborate with inspired brands to create sleek and modern imagery to bridge the gap between creativity and commerce.
Tana lives with her husband and enjoys trying out new restaurants, snail mail and watching reruns of Gilmore Girls.