My Fujifilm X-T1 in 2021
In order to improve my work, I often get carried away by the belief that a better camera is the synonym for better photos. About 5 years ago, I bought my first Fujifilm X-T1 with an XF56mm F1.2 and an XF50mm F2. Luckily I did not sell it when I bought my X-T2 and later my X-T3. I left the X-T1 to use every day, inside the bag, on top of the table, always at hand, not to miss photographing those everyday moments. I left the new cameras exclusively to go out to take pictures on a scheduled basis.
As the X-T1 goes everywhere with me, at the end of the day, I take more pictures with it than with its bigger sisters, since it is always ready and at hand, either when going to have a coffee with a friend or walking down the street. The less I plan, the better photography situations I find myself in.
When analyzing the photographs that I have been taking this last year, I find myself in the situation that if I do not read the data of the photograph, I cannot recognize with which camera I took each photo. The lenses, yes I recognize them easily since the difference in focal length and background blur are noticeable, but I reiterate, I can’t tell which camera each photo belongs to.
Without pretending to write a scientific or technical article, I want to mention below some features of the X-T1 that make me still choose it for taking pictures.
My favourite subjects to photograph are motorcycles and street photography. The X-T1 is super light, and together with the XF50mm F2, I can carry it in my hand or around the neck without problems. In fact, being the whole set WR, dust or water is not a problem. The grip of the X-T1 is more adhesive to the tact, it wears more, but after 5 years of use, it is still impeccable.
The grips of the bigger sisters are harder and more slippery, especially with gloves. The battery is another point in its favour, it is eternal. With one battery, I can take photos an entire afternoon. Just in case, I always have an extra battery, but generally, I do not use it, unlike the X-T2 and X-T3 that I use two batteries always in similar situations.
Another highlight is the low noise in night photography situations. The noise is much higher with the X-T2 and 3. Obviously, the focusing speed, burst shooting and the higher shutter speed exceed the X-T1 but always thinking that it is a camera of more than 5 years and that for someone who wants to start in photography, it is an economical option still valid in 2021.
The advantage that those of us who began with film photography have is that we rarely shoot bursts or too many photos. We have the memory of the 36 exposures, so we try to make each frame count. It is the reason why I rarely use continuous tracking and shooting on the X-T2 and 3.
I insist that it is not a technical article or a comparison between cameras, but I realize that we often invest resources in objects without realizing that we really do not need them. In addition, taking the camera everywhere makes the possibilities of photographing multiply. As the X-T1 is old and we are not “afraid that something will happen to it”, it makes me carry it on the neck, in hand etc. and by not being so aware of the object, we enjoy more without worrying about theft, falls or accidents.
Returning to the specific subject of the photographs, we are going to do an exercise. Unlike other articles, we are going to place the photographs with an order number only, and at the end, the data of the same so that they can compare and see if they notice notable differences. In my case, I always edit in the same way to maintain consistency in my work.
It is the same reason why I only move in a limited range of focal lengths. It is true that more megapixels help to reframe, but like when we used film or slides, limiting helps creativity and develops dexterity. When we know that there is not much margin, we improve the shots right in the camera to such an extent that sometimes we only make minimal adjustments.
In summary, if you find a Fujifilm X-T1 somewhere, do not hesitate to buy it as it is compact (with an XF35mm it is super small), waterproof and dustproof, excellent image quality, light, the battery lasts long, almost indestructible, and fully current in 2021.
IMAGE 1 Fuji X-T1 Fuji XF56mmF1.2 f/1.2 . 1/2000″ . ISO 200 | IMAGE 2 Fuji X-T2 Fuji XF56mmF1.2 f/1.4 . 1/850″ . ISO 200 | IMAGE 3 Fuji X-T1 Fuji XF50mmF2 f/2.0 . 1/1800″ . ISO 400 |
IMAGE 4 Fuji X-T1 Fuji XF50mmF2 f/2.0 . 1/1250″ . ISO 400 | IMAGE 5 Fuji X-T1 Fuji XF50mmF2 f/2.0 . 1/350″ . ISO 200 | IMAGE 6 Fuji X-T3 Fuji XF56mmF1.2 f/1.4 . 1/750″ . ISO 160 |
IMAGE 7 Fuji X-T1 Fuji XF56mmF1.2 f/1.2 . 1/140″ . ISO 200 | IMAGE 8 Fuji X-T1 Fuji XF50mmF2 f/2.0 . 1/1700″ . ISO 400 | IMAGE 9 Fuji X-T2 Fuji XF56mmF1.2 f/1.2 . 1/125″ . ISO 200 |
IMAGE 10 Fuji X-T2 Fuji XF56mmF1.2 f/1.2 . 1/2500″ . ISO 200 | IMAGE 11 Fuji X-T2 Fuji XF56mmF1.2 f/1.2 . 1/950″ . ISO 200 | IMAGE 12 Fuji X-T2 Fuji XF56mmF1.2 f/1.2 . 1/1800″ . ISO 200 |
IMAGE 13 Fuji X-T1 Fuji XF50mmF2 f/5.0 . 1/750″ . ISO 400 | IMAGE 14 Fuji X-T3 Fuji XF56mmF1.2 f/1.2 . 1/640″ . ISO 160 | IMAGE 15 Fuji X-T3 Fuji XF56mmF1.2 f/1.2 . 1/100″ . ISO 160 |
IMAGE 16 Fuji X-T1 Fuji XF50mmF2 f/2.0 . 1/480″ . ISO 400 | IMAGE 17 Fuji X-T1 Fuji XF50mmF2 f/2.0 . 1/250″ . ISO 200 | IMAGE 18 Fuji X-T1 Fuji XF50mmF2 f/2.0 . 1/800″ . ISO 400 |
Por el afán de lograr mejorar mi trabajo, muchas veces me dejo llevar por la creencia que una mejor cámara es el sinónimo de mejores fotos. Aproximadamente 5 años atras compré mi primera Fujifilm X-T1 con un XF 56mm F1.2 y un XF50mm f2, por suerte no la vendí al comprar mi X-T2 y posteriormente mi X-T3. Dejé la X-T1 para usar todos los días, dentro del bolso, arriba de la mesa, siempre a mano para no perder de fotografiar los momentos cotidianos, dejé las cámaras nuevas exclusivamente para salir a tomar fotografías de manera programada.
Como la X-T1 va a todos lados conmigo, al fin de cuentas tomo más fotografías con ella que con las hermanas mayores, ya que al estar siempre lista y a mano, ya sea yendo a tomar un café con un amigo o caminando por la calle, cuanto menos planeo mejores situaciones de fotografía me encuentro.
Al analizar las fotografías que vengo realizando este último año, me encuentro con la situación que si no leo los datos de la fotografía, no puedo reconocer con que cámara realicé cada foto, los lentes si los reconozco fácilmente, ya que la diferencia de focal y desenfoque son notables, pero reitero, no puedo decir a que cámara pertenece cada foto. Sin pretensiones de escribir un artículo científico o técnico, quiero a continuación mencionar algunas características de la X-T1 que hacen que todavía la elija para tomar fotografías.
Mis temas favoritos para fotografíar son las motocicletas y la fotografía de calle, la X-T1 es super liviana, junto con el XF50mm F2, la puedo llevar en la mano o al cuello sin problemas, de hecho, al ser todo el conjunto WR el polvo o el agua no es un problema.
El grip de la X-T1 tiene mas agarre, se desgasta mas, pero después de 5 años de uso, todavía esta impecable, los grips de las hermanas mayores son mas duros y mas resbaladizos, sobre todo con guantes. La batería es otro punto a favor, es eterna, con una batería puedo tomar fotos toda una tarde, por las dudas siempre una batería extra, pero generalmente no la uso, a diferencia con la X-T2 y X-T3 que uso dos baterías siempre en situaciones similares.
Otro punto a destacar es el poco ruido en situaciones de fotografía nocturna, el ruido es mucho mayor en las X-T2 y 3. Obviamente la velocidad de enfoque, disparo en ráfaga y la mayor velocidad de obturación superan a la X-T1 pero siempre pensando que es una cámara de más de 5 años y que para alguien que desee comenzar en fotografía es una opción económica todavía válida en el 2021.
La ventaja que tenemos los que comenzamos en fotografía con rollo de película, es que rara vez disparamos ráfagas o muchas fotos, nos queda la memoria de las 36 exposiciones, y por ende tratamos de hacer que cada fotograma cuente, es la razón por la cual pocas veces uso el seguimiento y disparo continúo en las X-T2 y 3.
Insisto en que no es un artículo técnico ni una comparativa entre cámaras, pero me doy cuenta que muchas veces invertimos recursos en objetos sin darnos cuenta que realmente no los necesitamos. Además el llevar a todos lados la cámara hace que las posibilidades de fotografíar se multipliquen, como la X-T1 es vieja y no tenemos “miedo que le pase algo” hace que la lleve, en el cuello, en la mano etc. y al no estar tan pendiente del objeto, disfrutamos más sin preocupaciones por robos, caídas o accidentes.
Volviendo al tema específico de las fotografías, vamos a hacer un ejercicio: a diferencia de otros artículos, vamos a colocar las fotografías con un número de orden solamente, y al final los datos de las mismas para que puedan comparar y ver si notan diferencias notables, en mi caso siempre edito de la misma forma para mantener consistencia en mi trabajo, es la misma razón por la que solo me muevo en un rango limitado de distancias focales.
Es cierto que más megapíxeles ayudan al reencuadre, pero como cuando usábamos rollos o diapositivas, la limitación ayuda a la creatividad y desarrolla la destreza. Cuando sabemos que no hay mucho margen, mejoramos las tomas desde la cámara a tal punto que a veces solo hacemos ajustes mínimos.
En resumen, si encuentran una Fujifilm X-T1 en algún sitio, no duden en adquirirla ya que es compacta (con un XF35mm es super pequeña), a prueba de agua y polvo, excelente calidad de imagen, liviana, la batería dura mucho, casi indestructible, y completamente vigente en 2021.

“Marcelo Esperon (aka Marcelo de Coghlan on social networks) Family man, dentist, motorcyclist, amateur documentary and portrait photographer.
I was born in Buenos Aires City – Argentina, in 1970 and living in Coghlan, a small neighborhood. I am married to Ale, a very patient wife, and I am a very proud father of two sons. I’m a dentist, my hobby is photography, and my way of relaxing is riding motorcycles. I love the three activities, but the combination of the last two is amazing. I also love street photography, love walking with a camera in hand. I began with photography 30 years ago.”
September 3, 2021 @ 7:38 am
As a Sony shooter – I recently purchased a 2nd hand Mint condition X-T1 for peanuts and I was blown away by it’s SOOC colors, IQ and compactness. This camera is has some serious punch.
Thanks for sharing and have a great day,
Marcelo de Coghlan
September 3, 2021 @ 10:33 am
You will use a lot! Thanks Natan!
September 30, 2021 @ 5:06 pm
Hi Natan, Your comment doesn’t surprise me. Back in 2016, I had a second shooter help me at a wedding. He was shooting with a Nikon D800 and I was shooting with my X-T1. When we returned to the studio and imported the RAW files into Lightroom, they were intermingled based upon the time they were taken, as we had synchronised the camera clocks for the purpose of keeping them in order taken. He was blown away by how the Fuji files popped compared to his very flat Nikon files. A week later, he came into the studio to show me his new X-T1……
Best regards and welcome to the world of Fujifilm colour.
September 3, 2021 @ 8:54 am
These are gorgeous images. Are they shot with Pro Neg Hi?
Marcelo de Coghlan
September 3, 2021 @ 10:34 am
Hi Mike! All images with classic chrome!
Stian Hammervold
September 3, 2021 @ 10:40 am
Great article and great photos with amazing colors.. mind sharing the recipe??
Albert Smith
September 3, 2021 @ 3:32 pm
Always love looking at your motorcycle shots. Every time I do I have to fight the urge to buy that 56mm lens.
Fujifilm is unique in that while other brand users all abandon cameras for each newer model, there is a subset of Fuji shooters that enjoy the rendering from older sensors. YouTube is full of “X-T(fill in the blank) or X-Pro(pick a number) in 2021” videos where conesers of fine images talk the virtues of the first generations of Fujifilm sensors.
I thought it was hype, but after picking up my own early model, I too find it is the camera that has become my EDC for when I walk out the door with no intent. This early sensor gives me as close to a film like rendering as any digital camera has. On paper, it has been eclipsed but I just like the look for images that I take.
Funny, but with the release of the new 23mm and 33mm lenses yesterday, supposedly able to resolve 40mp, the future Fujifilm cameras might have someone doing this type of article in a decade on the virtues of the ancient X-T3 with its pedestrian 26mm sensor.
September 5, 2021 @ 6:32 am
I love your pictures! The style and look is just on point.
I got myself a worn off X-T1 back in January and since then I tend to use it more and more even in my semi professional work. I actually have some quite good Sony Gear but there is something special about the T1… is it the manual feel, the SOOC colors after creating some recipes? I don’t know and I don’t care anymore, all I know is that this little camera which has cost me next to nothing (150 €) got me hooked on the Fuji X Series. Now I wanna go full Fuji in the upcoming months.
Some X-T1 shots can be found on my website:
Next I wanna get some native lenses and maybe the X-Pro2/3 or X-E3/4 😀
September 6, 2021 @ 10:27 am
Hi. I absolutely love your pictures of the bikers. May i ask what simulation you use in those pictures? If you want to share your settings. I also wonder what is your favorite simulation to work with? I use a X-T20 and i really like that camera. Again, great work!
September 22, 2021 @ 2:18 pm
having both, X-T1 and X-T2 I would not say that XT2 has more noise than XT1, maybe on ISO like 12600 🙂 But advantage of newer sensor is its dynamic range, which is better than XT1.
XT1 is still an amazing camera, its size, image and build qualities are proving the fact, that this camera can last one more decedate. I have found autofocus very reliable even when catching my kids running around 🙂
September 30, 2021 @ 5:18 pm
Thanks for sharing your shots Marcelo. I just LOVE the motorcycle shots, especially as they are classic bikes. My last pair of wheels (a Triumph Trident) went in 1977 when I changed to 4 wheels. I knew that the photos were Classic Chrome straight away, as it is one of my favourite film simulations. I have an X-T3 and an X-T1 and use them mostly for weddings/portraits. I never bothered with the X-T2, as I couldn’t see enough justification to spend the money. Like you, I love the lower noise in low light with the X-T1, but the X-T3 has a wider dynamic range. Love using both of them and for weddings, I usually have the X-T3 with the 16-55mm f2.8 and the X-T1 with either the 56mm f1/2 or 50mm f2 on it. I rarely use any other lenses, apart from sometimes using a TTArtisan 50mm f1.2 if I want a really shallow DoF using something a bit smaller and lighter than the 56mm f1.2.
Keep shooting and enjoying. I’ve subscribed by the way,
Gord Barker
November 8, 2021 @ 3:51 am
I bought an X-T1 about 2 years ago from a friend who upgraded to an X-T3. Love the X-T1! Lately I’ve been thinking about getting an X-T3 but I’m finding it hard to justify the expense when the X-T1 delivers almost everything I need in my photography. Great article!