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  1. Albert Smith
    November 7, 2021 @ 2:39 pm

    First off, that photo of the dog walking behind the car with a dog painted on it is brilliant. You could sit there for days and never get that lucky. Good eye!

    I bought the 16mm f/1.4 very quickly in my transition to Fujifilm, since a full frame 24mm has been one of my must have lenses for 40 years. At the time, it was the only choice for a prime, so I ignored the price and got it.

    I think it is everything that the hype says it is, and never regretted my purchase of it. The only (slightly) negative thing was the size and weight when I wished to travel light with a smaller X-E class body. When the smaller, lighter f/2.8 version came out, I bought one, keeping the faster lens. I seem to use the f/2.8 model 80% of the time for shooting on good light.

    However, when I do mount the f/1.4 lens and shoot to its strengths, close in, selective focus, low light, I’m reminded why this is considered one of Fuji’s best lenses. Even with the two lenses, I couldn’t imagine not having the f/1.4 in my arsenal.


  2. Dream-Emulator
    November 7, 2021 @ 10:46 pm

    Nice review, cool to get the back story. Not sure if your still rocking the XT1, but if possible you should try out the 16mm on the XT4. With the IBIS the 1.4 just becomes ridiculous at night shots.


  3. Philip Sutton
    November 14, 2021 @ 11:25 am

    Awesome pic’s as usual dude. I concur wholeheartedly about the 16mm 1.4. I’ve had it for a year and I’ve never taken so many beautiful images in one year that now grace my website. Though I vowed to never sell it, the 16mm 1.4 was so great I got rid of my wonderful 16-55 2.8. However, being an older lens the autofocus on the 1.4 and my X-H1’s was terrible. I shoot very fast moving events/street. People dancing, moving, running, and often into bright backlit situations. I lost so many images on the X-H1’s it was disheartening. Unfortunately I sold those and recently got two X-T3’s. The difference is off the scale. No matter the lighting, movement, scenario I NEVER miss any photos now. If I ever do, it is user problems (me), and not the camera. Now I have my go to combo – that lens is permanently ‘glued’ onto one of my X-T3’s. With that combo I take about 80% of all my images and never miss the IBIS.


  4. Ranjan Bose
    November 19, 2021 @ 11:52 pm

    Marvellous write-up and pictures Ritesh Ghosh!
    I wonder how that photo of the student monks would come out if using the Fuji XF-16/2.8 (max possible) at iso3200, 1/100 or 6400, 1/200…! Pretty nice 2.8 prime and within the budget of many amateurs too…!
    Keep up the good work!


  5. JM
    November 20, 2021 @ 2:34 pm

    Besides my 35 1.4 that I purchased in 2012 the 16 1.4 is my FAVORITE lens. I bought it in 2017 for a trip to the Florida keys and it proved it’s worth over and over!


  6. Albert Rodriguez
    February 24, 2022 @ 3:31 am

    Thank you for your post! For the Past three days I was stressed out which lens I should buy. 56mm or 16mm and after watching your work, I made my decision! 16MM. Thanks you.


  7. Sameer Rao
    June 2, 2024 @ 2:10 pm

    One of the best reviews of this lens.Lovely images to showcase the lens’s capabilities. Decade old combination of X T1 with 16mm F 1.4 is still capable of producing top class results in good hands.


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