Light, Colour, Matter
Attracted by Fujifilm’s colour science and ergonomics, I acquired an X-T3 last winter.
On this camera, I alternate shooting with two fixed focal length lenses: the Fujinon XF35mm F1.4, and the Samyang 12mm F2. This summer I was able to test this equipment during stays in the Pyrenees and in Sicily.
Interested in photography, I was introduced to certain notions during my Architecture studies that I like to find in my shots. First of all, there is an aesthetic attention on the frame and the composition and then a certain number of themes and references that come back.
I often look for the play of reflections, of transparency that allows me to suggest, merge, divide the “real”. The pursuit of shapes and silhouettes is another exercise I enjoy.
I try to imitate the vocabulary of some particularly inspiring photographers like Ernst Hass, Saul Leiter or Albert Renger-Patzsch. Among the artists I appreciate is also the painter Edward Hopper and his atmospheres of America and solitude.
I have always liked looking at old photographs. It seems to me that I understand photography not as a medium to bear witness to our times, but as a way to tame a form of nostalgia, an idea of a bygone past.
In life, I like Photography and Architecture, but also cooking. It’s probably not by chance, experience has taught me that these fields have a fairly common language. We talk about temperature, atmosphere, the perception of contrast, matter, questions related to composition, the balance of masses and colours.
Arthur, Rennes – France

Cefalù and its cliffs bathed in the evening light. A beautiful place on the north coast of Sicily.

RIGHT: Fuji X-T3 . Fuji XF35mmF1.4 . F/2.0 . 1/4000” . ISO 160 – Cefalù, Sicily

RIGHT: Fuji X-T3 . Fuji XF23mmF1.4 . F/1.4 . 1/1000” – Jardin de Kerdalo, France

RIGHT: Fuji X-T3 . Fuji XF35mmF1.4 . F/1.4 . 1/500” . ISO 320
Colours and traces. A collection of abstract photos in the style of Ernst Haas. In the street, I stopped on the contrasts of colours and materials. Catane, Italy

The bright colours of Italy on a boat to the Aeolian Islands or to the botanical park in Palermo. Milazzo, Sicily
RIGHT: Fuji X-T3 . Fuji XF35mmF1.4 . F/1.4 . 1/4000” . ISO 160 – Palerme, Italy

Transparency and reflections like impressionist paintings. I was probably also thinking of Saul Leiter’s photos when I pressed the shutter. Vulcano Island
RIGHT: Fuji X-T3 . Fuji XF35mmF1.4 . F/2.0 . 1/4000” . ISO 80 – Sicily, Italy

RIGHT: Fuji X-T3 . Fuji XF35mmF1.4 . F/2.0 . 1/4000” – Bayeux, France

RIGHT: Fuji X-T3 . Fuji XF35mmF1.4 . F/2.0 . 1/1000” . ISO 400 – Palerme, Italy

RIGHT: Fuji X-T3 . Samyang 12mmF2 . 1/1000” . ISO 200 – Pyrénées mountains, France

RIGHT: Fuji X-T3 . Samyang 12mmF2 . 1/4000” . ISO 200 – Pyrénées mountains, France

Finally, some pictures of mountains and volcanic landscapes in Sicily (Etna and the island of Vulcano). Etna Vulcano, Italy
RIGHT: Fuji X-T3 . Fuji XF35mmF1.4 . F/1.4 . 1/8000” . ISO 160 – Vulcano Island, Italy

Attiré par la science des couleurs et l’ergonomie Fujifilm, j’ai acquis un X-T3 l’hivers dernier.
Sur ce boîtier, j’alterne les prises de vues avec deux objectifs à focale fixe : le Fujinon XF35mm F1.4. et le Samyang 12mm F2. Cet été j’ai pu éprouver ce matériel lors de séjours dans les Pyrénées puis en Sicile.
Intéressé par la photographie, j’ai durant mes études d’architecture été initié à certaines notions que j’aime retrouver dans mes images. Il y a d’abord une attention esthétique sur le cadre et la composition et puis un certains nombre de thèmes et de références qui reviennent.
Je recherche souvent les jeux de réflexions, de transparence qui permettent de suggérer, fusionner, fractionner le « réel ». La poursuite des formes et les silhouette est un autre exercice que j’apprécie.
J’essais d’imiter le vocabulaire de certains photographes particulièrement inspirant comme Ernst Hass, Saul Leiter ou Albert Renger-Patzsch. Parmi les artistes que j’apprécie il y a aussi le peintre Edward Hopper et ses ambiances d’Amérique et de solitude.
J’ai toujours aimé regarder de vieilles photos. Il me semble que j’appréhende la photographie non pas comme un médium permettant de témoigner de notre époque, mais comme le moyen d’apprivoiser une forme de nostalgie, une idée d’un passé révolu.
Dans la vie, j’affectionne la photo et l’architecture mais aussi la cuisine. Ce n’est probablement pas un hasard, l’expérience m’a appris que ces domaines ont un vocabulaire assez commun. On parle de température, d’ambiance, de la perception de contraste, de matière, de questions liées à la composition, à l’équilibre des masses et des couleurs.
Arthur, Rennes – France

“In life, I like Photography and Architecture, but also cooking. It’s probably not by chance, experience has taught me that these fields have a fairly common language. We talk about temperature, atmosphere, the perception of contrast, matter, questions related to composition, the balance of masses and colours.”
June 29, 2022 @ 7:55 pm
Your impressionist style photographs are magnificent. I too love the quality of photos with the 35 f1.4, special. Thanks for the references to inspiring painters and photographers.