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  1. Laura Minter-Goodchild
    August 12, 2024 @ 12:30 pm

    Beautiful images from someone that is completely living the dream. Always love following your work and looking forward to seeing what comes next for you!


    • Emily Endean
      August 14, 2024 @ 10:07 am

      Thank you so much Laura! Means the world to me to hear your kind words 🙂


  2. David
    September 4, 2024 @ 10:43 am

    Great Story and awesome pictures! Takes courage to start a full time Photographer career and leave all securities including your home and “normal life” behind. But it looks very much like it paid out for you! Keep on going!


  3. Dann Walker
    September 10, 2024 @ 11:49 am

    Well written!! Stripping away the non-essentials in life is the best way to achieving true freedom and making the important things matter most. As you and your partner have done and, I truly hope, are still doing.

    I like how you use your Fujis. Especially the 18-55, to my mind a vastly underrated lens and by far the best zoom I’ve ever worked with in a long lifetime. Also the 60/2.4 macro, which I’ve recently acquired as part of a trade-in of old (mostly Nikon) gear I no longer used.

    Both these lenses live in old Explorer socks in my backpack when I’m on the road, as I am now, three months out of Australia, now in Indonesia and about to embark on four weeks in Malaysia, Sarawak and Brunei.

    On my XPro2 is (usually) or my backup XE2 is the also undervalued Fujinon 18/2.0, my ‘go to’ lens for almost everything I photograph. The ’18 is usually set on f/5.6 orf/8 and my ISO at either 200 or 400, again the simplest is by far the best way for me.

    I wish you many more years of happy wandering and making good images for us to enjoy.

    Best from DANN, also Living The Life, now in Indonesia


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